We work on two related areas: (1) life history biology and (2) metamorphosis. 80% of animal species have a life history that includes a metamorphosis. We use surveys and experiments with amphibians that allow us to understand the relationship between metamorphosis and life history evolution.
We perform several kinds of studies but in particular we use (1) time-series collections of animals that allow us to elucidate life history parameters like growth rate, size/age at metamorphosis, and size/age at sexual maturation and (2) laboratory growth experiments with amphibian larvae wherein environmental variables that affect growth are manipulated and the outcome on timing and size at metamorphosis are observed.
While lots of our questions require fieldwork, we also do work in the lab: growth experiments and morphological analyses of the salamanders and frogs that we grow or collect. Here, Cannon and Pacheco were caught doing gonadal inspections on their, respectively, Western Tiger Salamanders and axolotls.
We get requests to post/link to our videos of tigers salamanders in North Dakota that spend winters under the ice in ponds and lakes. Click this link to watch a sample.